Monday, 25 October 2010

Hand Drawn Ceramics

I've been helping the artist Esther Coombs with various bits and bobs for about a year now. Her work focuses on up-cycling ceramics. She produces absolutely amazing cake stands. She's always telling me the importance of making work functionable. So, I've embraced the world of hand drawn ceramics! I hope I've stamped my own style on to it. I hope to produce a Hastings/seaside themed range for the xmas craft fair I've got coming up in December. Watch this space!

Saturday, 9 October 2010

The show must go on...

Last night was the private view for 'On Essence'. There was a great turn out - thanks peeps!
I'm really pleased with the way the works turned out, it's the first time I've got my work professionally printed and you know what, I'm gonna do more! One thing I need to work on is paper curling, grrrr. Maybe frames next time.

One conversational point was about whether I should start drawing straight onto the letters. There are many advantages to this - actually having an original being one of them. I'm still slightly scared to go all the way though. I'd be forever changing something that already has such a history, a depth. Am I good enough?...